Updates to COVID Protocols

Effective March 15, 2022: Updated March 24, 2022 May 13, 2022

Due to falling case rates and updated public health guidance from the county and state, MVWSD will be loosening some COVID restrictions. 

Highlights of changes

Outdoor masking is recommended but is no longer required. Indoor masking is required for both students and staff members through June 3. Updated March 24: Indoor masks are strongly recommended but not required will remain required indoors for now with some exceptions (see below)

Field trips are allowed. Masking is required while traveling to and from events for students.

Spectators are allowed at events, both indoor and outdoor (performing arts and athletics). Masking is highly recommended for outdoor events. Masks are required indoors for spectators.

Click images for PDF files

Updated August 10, 2022:

updated covid protocol August 10 2022 in English  updated covid protocols August 10 2022 in Spanish

Updated March 24, 2022:

English 3/28 Covid protocol  Spanish 3/28 Covid protocol

March 15, 2022:

covid protocols updates graphic  covid protocols updates graphic Spanish

Here are the details of the changes

Safety mitigation strategies: Masking & Distancing

* Updated March 24Indoor masks are strongly recommended but not required will remain required indoors for now. (Contingent on positive pool data remaining low; 3 consecutive weeks of less than 9% rate of positive testing pools)
* Outdoor masking and physical distancing is moved to recommended (not required) 15 minute outdoor mask off limit is removed (unless inside for rainy day lunch)
Masks are required on buses for all and indoors for volunteers, preschoolers, and spectators at sports/performing arts. Per County guidelines, unvaccinated staff members (adults without a booster) must wear a mask for 10 days after exposure to a positive case. (updated March 24, 2022)

Mitigation strategy: Lunch / Recess

* Outdoor eating will continue. 
* MURs will open for meal distribution to students
* Physical distancing during lunch is not required (but is good practice)
(Sites should continue to use additional spaces outside of the cafeteria for mealtime seating such as classrooms or the gymnasium can help facilitate distancing.) 
* Clean frequently touched surfaces. 
* Surfaces that come in contact with food should be washed, rinsed, and sanitized before and after meals.


* Indoor masking requirement for staff and students will remain in effect until the end of the year
* Students in these classes are not eligible for vaccination 
* They also are not included in the on-campus testing protocol

Events - Concerts, Plays, Sporting Events

* Outdoors spectators will be allowed at all events.  
* Masking is highly recommended for outdoor events / sports
* Indoor spectators are now permissible, provided that visitors mask indoors. Masks required indoors
* Indoor Student Athletes must wear mask while on the bench but not during play
* Indoor performers must wear a mask if the event is indoors (Bell covers for indoor events are required)

Field trips

* Field trips are allowed
* Masking is required while traveling to and from events for students
* Volunteers are allowed to chaperone. (Considered a one-time volunteer. See this webpage for more specifics)
* Parents / Guardians must remained masked while around students
* Proof of Covid vaccination is required to chaperone
* Parents must undergo on-site Raptor screening (requires valid ID)

After School

* Parent access to campus at drop off and pick up is still limited
* One hour 15 minutes after dismissal, school campus restrictions are lifted. (Exception: Areas that have defined use times for afterschool programs such as Beyond the Bell, sports leagues. Example: soccer fields remain closed while teams are practicing)
* Playgrounds are not a part of MVWSD cleaning protocol and will remain use at your own risk

After school PTA / School activities permitted

* Masking strongly recommended unless indoors (required)


* Regular volunteers on campus must be vaccinated and follow indoor masking requirements. Must have MVWSD issued badge. Click here for details about the process.
Infrequent volunteers are allowed for field trips, single events. Must be cleared through the Raptor system and provide proof of vaccination if these events occur during the school day. Click here for details about the process.

Mitigation strategy: Physical Barriers

* Determined by site / class
* Students spacing requirements removed.
* Students desk shields are recommended but remain optional
* Front offices and library barriers will remain in place 

Mitigation strategy: Cleaning 

* Daily cleaning and sanitizing protocols will be followed with an emphasis on high-traffic areas.
* Full classroom sanitizing at night with misters 
* Door handles 
* Faucets table tops & chairs 
* Soap, paper towel and sanitizer dispensers 
* Main offices 
* Restrooms

Mitigation strategy: Testing

* In MVWSD, we work with Concentric to provide on-site, pooled COVID testing for students and staff. Program will continue.
* Weekly follow-up rapid antigen testing for staff and students in any positive pools, and adherence to quarantine/isolation guidelines continue.


* Over the coming weeks, schools will facilitate discussions with students about it being ok to wear or opt out of wearing a mask outside.  We want to foster empathy and prevent mask bullying.
* Mitigation strategies are developed through data, benchmarking and in consultation with SCCDPH
* MVWSD can reinstitute universal masking if cases rise (more than 9% testing pools positivity rate) 
* MVWSD reserves the right to be more restrictive than state/county guidance
* District COVID testing rates is the leading indicator

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