Supts eNews - March 7, 2023


In this edition ...

  • Transitional Kindergarten to expand next year
  • Working with the City of Mountain View to prepare for future enrollment growth
  • High Fives: School communications award
Transitional Kindergarten to expand next year, Graham Preschool moves to Theuerkauf

TK pictureAs part of the district’s plan for our youngest learners (Universal Preschool - UPK), we are expanding the number and locations of transitional kindergarten (TK) classes for next year. TK will increase to eight classrooms among five school locations.

For next school year:
Theuerkauf Elementary - 2 TK classrooms
Monta Loma Elementary - 2 TK classrooms
Castro Elementary - 1 TK classroom
Mistral Elementary - 1 TK classroom
Imai Elementary - 2 TK classrooms

Class locations are assigned to school sites as facilities allow. Parents who are registered for TK for next year will receive notice of their student’s placement next month, using the information that parents have already provided to the district. The priorities for placement are: First, students who receive special education services. Then, children whose siblings are already attending an elementary school on that campus. Finally, home address will be taken into consideration.

TK is a modified kindergarten curriculum for young 5 year olds who meet specific birthdate cutoffs. For more information and registration details, please see

Additionally, the district preschool classrooms located at Graham Middle School will move to Theuerkauf Elementary, an existing preschool location with the more appropriate facilities. The Theuerkauf and Latham Preschool classrooms that exist currently will remain.

Later phases of our UPK program will include exploring new curriculum to support the needs of emerging readers and strengthen literacy foundations. We will also explore MVWSD preschool’s role, including potential full-day classrooms.

Working with the City of Mountain View to prepare for future enrollment growth

shorelineAt the March 2 Board of Trustees meeting, staff presented a report about the resources needed to support enrollment growth that will result from new housing developments in the city. North Bayshore and other developments will stretch the limits of existing school facilities. It’s predicted that many of our schools will reach or exceed student capacity by 2027. Without additional resources, MVWSD will have fewer dollars to spend per student, which could result in crowded classrooms and reduced services. The District could have to repurpose school fields for new classrooms.

Residents value schools as an important community service. MVWSD provides educational excellence at a bit of a disadvantage, however. Some revenue that would otherwise go to our schools comes from the Shoreline Regional Park Community, a special tax district that redirects tax revenue from MVWSD to the City. The City redistributes a portion back to the schools, but it is only 38% of MVWSD’s entire share.

To continue to provide the same quality of education as our community grows, the District will work with the City to increase the Shoreline Regional Park Community tax increment to properly fund the influx of new students. Additionally, we’ll work with the City and stakeholders to reserve sites for future elementary schools and adjust the current facilities to accommodate additional students.

We encourage parents and community members to learn more about this issue. For more information, click here. The public is invited to attend the meetings of the Board of Trustees as they will be studying this issue in future meetings. For agendas and meetings:

High Fives: School communications award

calspra awardMVWSD has received two statewide awards for achievements in communications to staff, parents and the community. CalSPRA Awards of Excellence were received for videos and materials to help parents engage with the Board of Trustees and School Site Councils and for the staff housing groundbreaking event held in November. The California School Public Relations Association serves districts throughout the state.

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